Nun of That
Bovennatuurlijke orde stuurt agressieve non op bloedige kruistocht

Regisseur: Richard Griffin (2009)Genre: humor / actie
Specificatie: Nunsploitation

Onder andere met: Sarah Nicklin (Sister Wrath), Alexandra Cipolla (Sister Pride), Shanette Wilson (Sister Lust), Ruth Sullivan (Sister Gluttony), Rich Tretheway (Momma Rizzo), Brandon Luis Aponte (Richie Corbucci), Michael Reed (Jesus / The Devil), Debbie Rochon (Mother Superior), Lloyd Kaufman (The Pope), Tyrone Alcorn (Strip Club Manager), George W. Aldrich II (Sleazy Pimp), Alex Aponte (Detective Vargas), Luis Brandon Aponte (Oscar), Lilith Astaroth (Go-Go Dancer), Michael Bilow (Moses)
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