Film over verschillende mensen en hun seksuele problemen

Regisseur: John Cameron Mitchell (2006)Genre: drama / erotiek

Onder andere met: Sook-Yin Lee (Sofia), Paul Dawson (James), Lindsay Beamish (Severin), PJ DeBoy (Jamie), Raphael Barker (Rob), Peter Stickles (Caleb, the Stalker), Jay Brannan (Ceth), Alan Mandell (Tobias, the Mayor), Adam Hardman (Jesse, the John), Ray Rivas (Shabbos Goy), Bitch (Bitch/Shortbus House Band), Shanti Carson (Leah, the Beautiful Couple), Justin Hagan (Brad), Jan Hilmer (Nick, the Beautiful Couple), Stephen Kent Jusick (Creamy)
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